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Here's What You Need to Know About Dry January

The idea of a movement to curb drinking WHILE being beneficial to the hospitality industry can be as hard to swallow as a shot of 151. However, now that we find ourselves in the beginning days of Dry January, that period of time where people around the world purposefully abstain from alcohol, the conversation of how the hospitality industry needs to practice healthy campaigns year round has returned once again. But we’re going to leave that conversation for another time and highlight a few tips on how to make the most out of this month without alcohol. After all, what else are you going to do this month? Besides Leisurely classes. Definitely take a look at our upcoming Leisurely classes.

When abstaining from alcohol, feel free to keep your thoughts to yourself Photo: Listen Bar/Facebook

Don’t Be an Asshole About It

If you’re going to boast about taking a month off from drinking and how it makes you a hero, GTFOH. #DryJanuary like #Theicebucketchallenge is meant to raise awareness about something serious, but when people make it all about themselves, that’s where the fun stops. It’s great that you can go a month without drinking, but some people REALLY need to abstain from alcohol as a lifestyle choice in order to function. Others might be using Dry January to make positive, and much needed, changes across the board. Whatever the reason, like farting out loud in church, it’s just not a good look to make a lot of noise when everyone else is head down in deep thought.

Appreciate a Bartender’s Creativity Behind Non-Alcoholic Drinks (and tip well too!)

You may think you need alcohol to enjoy a drink, but what you probably don’t realize is it’s the flavor you are really craving. Non-alcoholic drinks (at least in this writer’s opinion) have to be just a bit more balanced and a lot more flavorful if they’re going to convince people sobriety isn’t so bad. Often times, the prices for non-alcoholic “elixirs” is going to be significant, particularly because there is an option called water that is given away at every single bar in America. From seasonal ingredients to top of class techniques, a great bartender should be able to make a delicious drink even when one key ingredient is missing. Remember, if you can’t have a good time appreciating the flavors within a non-alcoholic drink, you probably aren’t mature enough to deserve the benefits of a well made cocktail.

Learn the History. And Be Optimistic About Its Future.

The Dry January movement began in the United Kingdom, and while the debate will rage on about whether giving up drinking for a month has any long term health benefits forever, props to someone other than Meghan Markle for stirring up some shit in England. The whole point of setting an attainable goal is to demonstrate you can achieve something if you stick to a plan. And if you keep doing it, you might just make other changes in your life too. While we’re not going to tell you whether alcohol belongs in your diet or not, even we know too much of something, especially something that is a depressant, isn’t good. By making people comfortable with the idea of “going out” without having it to be centered around alcohol, humans are helping flip the script on what it means to be social. The future can look as bright as you want it to be, but it’s our opinion that when you actually remember what happened the night before, you’ll wake up with a clearer vision.