Why We Support #BlackOutTuesday (and How You Can Too)

We like to think of Leisurely as a platform that connects people through a shared love of food and drink. We really enjoy what we do and the partners we work with day in and day out. Yes, we’re a for profit business, but we’re a business that exists because of restaurants and food. And food brings people together in a positive way unlike any other. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, we were sad to have to cancel our upcoming classes, but we knew we could still support our restaurant partners in some way shape or form. Our voice has a value and a purpose, so if we couldn’t attempt to help our partners through this trying time, we might as well pack it up. But now, there’s a greater message we need to share.

Right now, we’re using every inch of our digital real estate to make it exceptionally clear how we feel. We support the black community in helping achieve justice for the murder of George Floyd. We support peaceful demonstrations and the right to protest. And we will do our part to help end systemic racism. We believe education is the key to helping our members who need to get read in on this situation immediately. So instead of sharing a recipe or a favorite restaurant this time, we’re sharing you the resources we’ve discovered that are currently available:

Donate and Request More Information About How You Can Help Here


Black Lives Matter

Campaign Zero

Community Bail Funds

George Floyd Memorial Fund

Loveland Foundation

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

Please note there are many other organizations you can choose to donate too which you can discover through a quick Google search. Change starts by acknowledging our privilege and knowing we can do better to help support those who need it most.