The Goods: Oconee Brewing Co.'s Bacon & Kegs Red Ale

The craft beer boom taught us all that sipping shitty beer from dad’s stash is not always the best way to appreciate a liquid Homer Simpson once claimed was the cause and solution to all of life’s problems.

Fast forward to 2020, and we’ve now got Waffle House collaborating with Oconee Brewing Company for a bacon and eggs flavored ale. This my friends, is progress. Available by visiting Oconee Brewing Company in Greensboro, Georgia because shipping alcohol across state lines is apparently frowned upon. Waffle House, we appreciate you sticking your brand all over this can, but couldn’t you have found a way to offer this at all of your locations?

Weighing in at 6.5% abv, you’re going to get a whiff of smoke when popping this top before tasting that salty and distinct bacon flavor. It’s a red ale as we mentioned, so you should find a sweeter, perhaps even caramel or butterscotch like taste. And since it’s dark red in color, you’ll always know which one is yours if you pour a glass at home at a party and forget where you put it down. Not that you should be hosting a party right now, but it is the holiday season and we’re not going to tell you how to live your life.. But we will tell you what to eat and drink because polite suggestions help make decision making even easier.

Bacon & Kegs will be available for pick up at Oconee’s brewery beginning December 18. They won’t ship it to you no matter how nicely you ask. For updates on what wacky beers they plan to offer next, follow them on Instagram.

Billy Lyons