The Goods: Momofuku's Chili Crisp

We get a lot of pitches sent to us here at Leisurely about food and drink items we really don’t need but might wind up buying anyway. We decided to turn our inbox’s dilemma into your pleasure, because if you’re anything like us, you probably have a shopping problem. This week, we’re profiling something that will instantly put a fire in your mouth: Momofuku’s Chili Crunch.

David Chang is arguably one of the most famous chefs on the planet, but you might not know that the founder of Momofuku’s Culinary Lab has spent last decade researching and then developing proprietary products. So if you’ve ever eaten at one of his restaurants, chances are you might have seen something like this appear on a plate. One of those products is the Chili Crunch, a vegan friendly chili oil made with Pula, Chili de Arbol, and Japones chilis. So it’s spicy, just to get that out there if you had any lingering doubt. There’s also shallots, sesame seeds, dried garlic, and coconut sugar thrown into the mix. But since it’s David Chang, there’s also ingredients from his seasoned salts thrown in there too, so think tamari, kelp and mushroom powder. And more. Lots more.
So, what do you put a Chili Crunch on? Fried eggs, roast chicken, pasta, ice cream, it’s really whatever you have in your house that you look at and say, this is so boring and I would normally use sriracha but I have guests and I really want to impress them with my condiment selection.

Momofuku’s Chili Crunch sells for $10 (not including tax and shipping) and can be purchased here.